What All Business Owners Should Know About Commercial Security Systems

By Jonathan Frase
March 4, 2021
Commerical Insights Frase Protection Memphis

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Every business needs a solid commercial security system to help protect employees, customers, assets, and valuables. Smart security systems can help business owners prevent many different types of theft they can face from employees, customers, and criminals. Furthermore, these systems can help assist law enforcement if needed and even lower insurance rates.

Today’s systems are smarter and more intuitive than ever. From 24/7 monitoring to remote access and integrated thermostats, you can make your systems as high-tech as you’d like. Likewise, simple, streamlined options exist for business owners who prefer more of a “press and play” system. Let’s take a closer look at some reasons why a security system is a must for your business. 

Loss Prevention

The potential for loss is always a risk business owners must navigate. There are many avenues for theft whether it’s goods or cash and business owners need a way to safeguard their livelihood from any potential threat. Smart commercial security systems are designed to integrate into your current business setup and mitigate threats without disrupting the flow of your operations. 

In times of financial difficulty, people are more likely to break in when companies clearly have assets. Many commercial properties are either very large or in the middle of crowded cities. In either case, there are more security risks than there used to be. There are more people walking by, increasing both the opportunities for business and a break-in. 

In crowded cities, there is more cover for people who might break in. It’s harder to see around corners and past cars. It’s easier to move through alleys and tightly nested buildings. People can get away much easier after a break-in.  A larger area means a larger parameter to secure. It takes a lot of cameras and a sophisticated setup to manage this type of security. 

Commercial Security Systems Notifications

Real-time Notifications, Remote Control and Auto Arming

Monitoring your security system from anywhere is a luxury we have these days. You can view cameras on your smart phone when alarms are set off, turn lights on or off if you forgot to do so when leaving or you can even set everything on automatic. The choice is yours. 

Real-time notifications help put your mind at ease. You can be notified every time someone checks in and out of the building and get a camera view if you need to identify them. You can spend your time doing more business instead of on the phone with security. 

Remote control has become very sophisticated for commercial security systems. You can toggle between cameras, check the temperature in individual rooms, and more. Auto arming also helps to ease the weary mind. Simply set your protocols and make sure everyone is out the door on time. What a way to increase security and efficiency!

Smart Thermostat

One of the biggest wastes of energy is cooling your commercial business when you’re not there. Having a smart thermostat can save you hundreds or thousands in heating and cooling costs by setting itself back when your business is empty. They are also great for quality control if you have mandatory heating and cooling temperatures in your commercial building. 

Another benefit of a smart thermostat that’s connected to your security system is that it knows when a door or window is left open. So when an employee or customer forgets to close a door, letting summer heat inside, the smart thermostat can pause your AC automatically by setting back a couple of degrees. You can get an alert when this happens so that you can close the door. As soon as it’s closed, your AC returns to normal. No more cooling the community!

Access Control Commercial Frase Protection

Fully Integrated Access Control

With a fully integrated access control system, you can receive real-time alerts about any kind of access activity. You can know if your store opens or closes late. You can even get video alerts of important events like your stockroom door opening.

Having a fully integrated system for your commercial business gives you the benefits of modern technology. If you’re not onsite at closing time, you can still ensure that your business is secure by setting up an auto-arming rule for your access system. You can have your doors lock automatically when employees arm the security system, or even at a certain time every day. For convenience when opening, you can apply the same rules in reverse, with a single command disarming your alarm and unlocking your doors simultaneously.

What All Business Owners Should Know About Commercial Security Systems Frase Protection Memphis

Business Insights

A properly secured commercial property is a great asset. The ability to manage your security remotely offers a lot of business possibilities. You can use the insights gleaned from your security system to plan better displays, manage the flow of traffic, and determine opportunities for enhancement. 

Modern commercial security systems offer more sophisticated cameras and more checkpoints than older systems. If you haven’t experienced the value of a modern commercial security system, get in touch with our team for a free, no strings attached estimate
