Arm: Code + [ENT] key (Shortcut: [COMMAND] [1] (Arm All), [COMMAND] [2] (Perimeter Instant), or [COMMAND] [3] (Perimeter Delay))
Disarm: Code + [ENT] key
Check Faulted Zones: Zone lights light when faulted. A slow blink means the zone is bypassed. Fast blink is alarm memory.
Smoke Reset: [COMMAND] [4] [7] (Disarm to silence siren first) *If smoke has not cleared, the alarm may resound. Clear the detector of smoke and repeat the sequence to reset.
Chime Mode On/Off: [COMMAND] [6] (Radionics calls it the “Watch Mode”) Force Arm Over Bad Zones: Code + [ENT] + [COMMAND] + [ENT] (Do this all at once – will bypass faulted zone(s) automatically)
Code Change: It is recommended that you contact your security company and make changes under their direction. [COMMAND] [5] + Old Code + [ENT] + New Code + [ENT] + New Code + [ENT]
User Manuals
- D4112
- D6112